Hi! My name is Bowen Hou (侯博文). I am a fourth year PhD candidate at Yale , where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Diana Qiu. Before this, I studied at Fudan University and graduated with the highest honor for undergraduate students (Fudan Graduation Star)
I work in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics. My research includes first-principle calculation (DFT, GW+BSE) and development, machine learning, many-body perturbation theory.
More specifically:
Data-driven acceleration of non-equilibrium time-dependent quantum dynamics. Applied singular value decomposition (SVD) to derive a low-rank approximation for two-particle vertex function, creating a 10× compact subspace to compress the original dataset with highly reconstructed accuracy.
Designed and implemented a novel deep learning and generative model, Crystal Variational Autoencoders (Crystal-VAEs), to study electronic structures and predict computationally expensive many-body effects.
Developed parallel first-principle software using MPI and CUDA to investigate quantum many-body interactions, specifically exciton-phonon coupling, in low-dimensional physical systems. This algorithm, optimized for HPC platforms, achieved a linear reduction in computation time.
Ph.D., 2021-present
Yale University
B.E. in Optics, 2016-2021
Fudan University
Journal Referee:
Teaching Fellow: